On the Rocks is proudly being presented to you on behalf of the following individuals:
Dave has been playing RPGs since he was about 10, and LARPs for about twenty years. One of those numbers is significantly larger than the other. He has written and GMed for the popular 1936, 1948 and Brassys’ Men campaigns. After an extended hiatus to raise a couple of next generation gamers, he has gotten back into LARP by helping out with Bullets & Belles and Under the Mask. He’s looking forward to working with Rita and her team again on this year’s game.
Lauren has been playing RPGs (mostly computer games) since high school, and started LARPing in 2005. She has GMed tabletop games, and helped out with Under the Mask. She enjoys watching her players have fun, and is really excited to work with Rita and the team again this year.
I started playing RPGs in 1989 and LARPing in 1998. I’ve have nearly as many years of experience with running games as playing in them. I’ve run on-going campaigns for both Table Top and LARPs as well as “one-shot” events. This will be my first time working with this group, but I am looking forward to having fun with everyone involved.
Rita started GMing LARPs back in 2004. The first game she ever wrote was a short, silly 2 hour pirate adventure that ran at GenCon in 2005. She has also written a couple of other short convention larps that varied in theme from simple family drama to suspense. She also worked as one of the many writers and GMs in the Threads of Damocles campaign and also spent time as a writer and briefly as the Creative Director at the long running Xanodria Productions.
After having my game concepts or GMing experience rejected by some other LARP producers, she decided to go all in- on herself- and try writing and producing her own, weekend long theatre style larps. On the Rocks will be her third weekend long game. On the Rocks has Veteran GMs with great experiences and attitudes and she’s fairly certain that On the Rocks will be her best event yet!